HDAV Event Lighting Services: Dynamic Lighting Hire in Auckland & NZ

At HDAV, we continually invest in the latest lighting consoles and advanced lighting technology to provide exceptional event lighting services across Auckland and NZ.

Our comprehensive range of lighting options can be tailored for roadshows, conferences, and concerts across Auckland and NZ. Our dynamic lighting solutions include vibrant stage lighting, stunning spotlights, and captivating wash effects that transform any space. We provide custom lighting designs for roadshows to highlight key presentations and products, while our versatile conference lighting enhances presentations and audience engagement. For concerts, our professional lighting systems deliver immersive experiences that complement performers and elevate the show.

Ready to create an unforgettable event with HDAV's exceptional lighting services? Let us bring your vision to life with tailored lighting solutions for roadshows, conferences, and concerts.



HDAV provides top-notch lighting solutions for conferences across Auckland and NZ. Our tailored lighting designs enhance your event's ambiance and focus attention where it's needed most. From stage lighting to highlight speakers to subtle ambient lighting for networking spaces, our conference lighting services ensure a professional and engaging experience.

Roadshow Events

We deliver expert lighting solutions for roadshows throughout Auckland and NZ. Our customized lighting designs highlight key presentations and products, creating an immersive experience for attendees. Whether it's vibrant stage lighting or eye-catching displays, our roadshow lighting services ensure your event stands out and leaves a lasting impression.

Music & Concerts

Our team provides exceptional concert lighting services in Auckland and NZ that perfectly complement our LED screens and audio systems. Our dynamic lighting setups enhance performances with stunning effects and synchronized visuals, creating a cohesive and immersive experience. From dramatic stage lighting to atmospheric ambiance, choose HDAV.